AssetGen Implementation Services

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AssetGen Services

Making trusted data a reality, not a dream.

Use the Square Mile Systems services team to quickly achieve delivery of end to end understanding of your infrastructure – what you have, where it is, what it does and how it works. Let your engineering teams focus on existing work, with SMS implementation services delivering the tasks where our skills and resource give good value. This may involve a mix of assessment, planning, data capture and integration with existing toolsets depending on manpower requirements. The end deliverables are trusted understanding of infrastructure operation to support change, project and risk management.

For example, if you want to automate the maintenance of 1000s of Visio diagrams, then SMS can help you develop the data and Visio standards for consistent diagrams. Our custom Visio training courses will transfer the knowledge to assess and retain existing diagram formats, standardising Visio stencils and templates. It may also involve the integration with AssetGen and other data sources to reduce maintenance workload and improve infrastructure visibility.


Reducing the effort in maintaining infrastructure documentation


Let SMS training and practices enable individuals and team diagramming

Data Center and
Infrastructure Audits

Square Mile audit services can support parts or all of a data capture project

Why Use Square Mile Services?


The organisations who purchase toolsets and services from us, range in size and are from the following sectors:

The common characteristic is that there is a recognised need to manage change effectively, with asset and configuration management underpinning common processes