In today’s dynamic landscape, keeping infrastructure documentation up to date is vital for managing projects, operations and delivering change quickly. However, many organizations resort to labour-intensive methods such as site surveys and exhaustive audits to recapture knowledge and update existing data and diagrams – overloading the few technical specialists they have. No wonder that documentation is often poorly maintained with both engineers and managers getting stressed. It could be different. Less work, quicker decisions, faster response to requirement changes, re-allocation of work to others can be achieved if documentation is trusted and good enough. While auto-discovery systems may help gather device data, that technical data needs to be combined with physical and business data into the various information sets and schematics used by IT teams for projects as well as operational support.
In our webinar we’ll show how improving consolidated data reduces the update effort (covering many 100’s of Excel and Visio files), as well as automatically producing capacity, risk, inventory, connectivity lists, etc. Unique to AssetGen is also updating Visio schematics covering floor plans, networks, racks, servers, cabling, applications, services, data flows etc. Scaling to handle multi-site environments, as well as 1000s of information sets is only possible with the automation techniques we’ll cover.
When: 20th June, 13:00 UK, 14:00 CET, 08:00 US Eastern
Duration: 45 minutes
To register simply click on the link above, the stream will go live on Thursday the 20th of June at 1PM UK time/08:00 US EST. It can be viewed on demand at any time afterwards using the same link, as well as being forwarded to colleagues.